Lots of people make to-do lists, life changing goals or simple smaller goals such as be better at golf. But how many people actually achieve these goals? Or even get close, let alone maintain the changes forever. There's a couple of reasons why people fail at achieving the goals they set. The first one we're going to look at today; and that's "how we set those goals"
Now I'm not talking intelligence, I'm talking about how we set goals:
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Realistic
T - Time based
Whenever you are thinking about setting a goal or resolution then you need to take all the above into consideration when setting it. You also need to plan how you're going to achieve your goal as well.
We also need positive statements. For example, saying "I will reduce my handicap by 2 shots" is more powerful than saying, "I'd like to reduce my handicap by 2 shots". Then also write a statement as to WHY you'd like to do this and why it's an important goal for you (when you write this imagine you are writing it for someone else and as if you're convincing them it's worthwhile). Then you need to set a date as to when you want to achieve this and a plan as to how you're going to do this. Work out what your weaknesses are in your golf game and work out a strategy to improve them through practice and lessons. The same theory as above applies to any change or goal that you want to achieve.
The plan of how to achieve goals is often the thing that gets missed out. Even a SMART goal is unlikely to succeed if no plan is in place of how to achieve it. If you're not sure how to do this then maybe take your knowledge from work in to goal setting. A business plan is exactly that! A goal or objective with a plan of how to achieve it and is normally laid out as a SMART goal even without realising it; with a timeline and exact details of what is to be achieved.
This principles also apply to any goal. A common New Years resolution is to "get fit". I think you'd agree this doesn't exactly fit in to the SMART concept! Instead there should be specific measurements of what "fit" is for you. For example, a target of running 5km in 25mins when you currently run it in 30mins is specific. Then to set a time to do it by, a plan of how you're going to achieve this and mini goals along the way (e.g. 28mins after 3 weeks).
This shouldn't be solely for the new year. Setting goals throughout the year, following the SMART concept and a plan of how to achieve are key to success in life both personally and professionally.
Next time we're going to look at what a habit is and how we can change them. Bad habits are like a warm bed on a cold morning; Easy to get into, hard to get out of! But once we have the power of knowing what a habit is and we can change them it becomes much easier.
Best wishes for achieving those goals and dreams
Current books I am reading: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg and Bad Science by Ben Goldacre
A bit about myself;
I am a PGA Advanced Professional golfer of GB&I currently working at The Hong Kong Golf Club having worked in Dubai at Al Badia GC by InterContinental from 2011-15. I am interested in how social media plays a role in our life along with the pros/cons of it, the processes of learning and changing habits, career management, advice and coaching to help you achieve your goals.